
SPYD Photography

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Hi everybody! My name's Jennylynn Fields.
I've always had a passion for photography and truly enjoy capturing precious moments in time. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alberta where I learned the fundamentals of photography. For years I have strived to create artistic images and uphold my own style as well as provoke an emotional reaction from my clients and the audience. I love to make people happy, laugh, cry, remember, and cherish!
I encourage you to check out my website and browse through my photos.

Areas of Expertise

Portraits, New Born, Children, Family, Boudoir, Pets
Travel, Landscapes, Nature, Fauna, Flora
Texture, Macro, Unusual

Professional Affiliations

Professional Photographers of Canada - PPOC
National Association of Photoshop Professionals - NAPP
The Canadian Association of Photographic Art - CAPA

Books by SPYD Photography